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Career Coaching

  Robin Wright

Robin Roman Wright

"I am passionate about offering career development services. I help individuals define their purpose, set goals and act using proven coaching facilitation techniques."

Location: Wilmington, Massachusetts

How will clients benefit with you as their coach?

  • Strategize life goals - family, work, church, personal and community.

  • Articulate the specific skills and talents that you bring to a prospective employer.

  • Identify occupational choices that align with your career interests, desired work environment, and transferable skills.

  • Put a career game plan in motion.

  • Focus a job search and maximize job hunting activities.

  • Use information from a personal assessment to improve relationships with current or future superiors and enhance peer networks.
What results have clients reported after working with you?
  • Increased insight and improved business results after one coaching session.

  • Clarity about career direction for next year or two in just 4 sessions.

  • Improved resume for person seeking a mid-level professional position after many years in one company.
What do clients say about working with you?
  • "Thank you. You took the time to listen to my heart and share with me about the assessment. I was overwhelmed by the accuracy of the report and how clearly it denoted my skills and abilities and gave me clarity in areas I always wondered about." --- A client in career transition

  • "[Robin] is a fantastic listener and is able to engage participants across differences in a way that helps the various voices to be heard and valued. Her ability to facilitate dynamic dialogue is undergirded by her quick thought, clear articulation, diverse experiences and commitment to bringing about robust solutions." -- Facilitator of Boston Capacity Tank, a partnership between the Black Ministerial Alliance (BMA), Emmanuel Gospel Center, Boston Ten Point Coalition, and the United Way of Massachusetts Bay

  • Through the personal assessment process, helped a journalist articulate her personal style and understand barriers that kept coming up in her work.

  • "Thank you for your sharing your insight into leadership with the youth of the Leon de Juda Youth Leadership Seminar. Your presentation did more than merely reinforce the leadership principles the kids were exposed to throughout the Seminar. What you did was make those principles personal and applicable to their God-ingrained style of leadership." -- Director for Youth, Higher Education Resource Center, Boston
What are 5 strengths you have as a coach?
  • 20 years experience as a Management Development Trainer and Organizational Development Consultant

  • A passion for, and experience in, running programs for diverse populations in both Corporate and Non-profit environments

  • A bicultural perspective - I am Puerto Rican and Irish and have experience working to bring about social justice and racial reconciliation

  • A deep respect for the dignity of each individual

  • Compassionate listening skills

  • Laser questioning and probing skills - helping clients get "unstuck"

  • Expert knowledge of a variety of career planning tools and processes that I can customize for individual needs.
What is your coaching philosophy?
Using an empowerment model, I help clients identify what they have to offer the marketplace and where in the world of work they might be most valued and satisfied. Each person has unique contributions that he or she can offer in the workplace. People have experience, talents, skills and fields of knowledge that they have developed throughout their lifetimes whether on the job, in school, at home or in volunteer positions. Coaching provides time for reflection and discovery. It also provides time for clarification of work life/ balance goals and personal as well as professional values. I use proven models of career exploration such as "The What Color is Your Parachute" model by Richard N. Bolles and SDS Self-Directed SEARCH model by John L Holland, PhD. I am passionate about offering career development services. I help individuals define their purpose, set goals and act using proven coaching facilitation techniques.
What types of people do you typically coach?
  • Professionals seeking to move up or broaden their career experience

  • Entrepreneurs seeking to strengthen leadership skills

  • Professional women seeking work life balance

  • Downsized workers seeking to hone their job searching plan and maximize their networking activities

  • People in transition seeking a more fulfilling career opportunity
What is your professional background?
  • 20+ years in the field of Management Training and Organizational Development, Master's degree from the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration, licensed in Massachusetts to provide private counseling

  • Experienced in helping others communicate and collaborate effectively across ethnic, racial and gender differences. Representative projects include:
    • Member of a Corporate Latino Resource Group whose purpose was to give "voice" to a group that provides a growing employee resource pool and consumer market.
    • Designed and conducted focus groups for the Victory Generation After-School Program, a ministry of the Black Ministerial Alliance in Boston.
    • Co-led Listening Sessions with Latino leaders in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
    • Designed and launched a Diversity Mentoring Program for the Information Technology Division of a large regional financial institution. The purpose of the program was to provide career mentoring and increase awareness and appreciation of differences in others.

  • Active commitment to community service and the inner city. Two examples of this commitment are:
    • Partnership Program manager for a business-school partnership with over 200 volunteers helping students and faculty in a large public middle school in Boston. One program was recognized as a model school-to-careers program.
    • Coordinated projects for three City Year Serv-a-thons.

  • Member of International Coaching Federation, American Society for Training and Development, National Association of Social Workers (a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker), and the International Coaching Federation of New England.
How can clients get started working with you as their coach?
  • Order Online through our secure checkout: Click one of the Add to Cart buttons below
  • Order by Phone: Call our ordering department toll free at 888-491-8833
You will then be directly contacted by the head of the coaching program to select the right coach for you.

Career Coaching Programs
Service What You Get Price Add to Cart
Three 30-Minute Coaching Sessions The Career Coaching service matches individuals with a personal coach--a confidant, champion, and challenger who will help you:
  • Gain personalized guidance through job transitions
  • Prepare and navigate through your annual reviews
  • Leverage your behavioral and professional strengths effectively
  • Diagnose reasons for career dissatisfaction
  • Learn how to take action in networking, interviewing, and taking on new opportunities
With Career Coaching you can:
  • Learn how your behavioral style affects those you work with
  • Build a compelling value proposition for a potential employer
  • Manage change more effectively
  • Overcome hurdles that impede success
  • Sustain professional success and maintain balance
  • Get ongoing support through all phases of your career
Member: $224.00
Non Member: $280.00
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